April 2021 Newsletter
Dates to Remember
April 16th – School Goals Day – No classes for students
April 21st – 22nd – Badminton Zones at Hernewood Intermediate
April 14th – Home & School Meeting at 6 p.m. school library –All are welcome
May 6th and May 8th – Badminton Provincials
June 24th – Grade 9 Closing @ 6:00
Home & School
The Federation’s 68th Annual Meeting will be held on May 10th, 2021, virtually on Zoom. Registration and meeting materials will be circulated electronically in April.
Badminton Zones/Provincials
Badminton Zones will be April 21st and April 22nd and they will be held at Hernewood. Badminton Provincials Thursday, May 6th at Francois Buote and Saturday, May 8th at Colonel Gray.
Attendance DATA
As you are aware, schools in the PSB track daily attendance. The following is our data as of March 31, 2021. If more than half of an attendance block is missed, students are coded as absent.
Absent # of Students % of Students
Between 5-10 days 56 28.14%
10-15 days 27 13.57%
15-20 days 15 7.54%
20 and above 11 8.04%
We understand that absences have increased this year due to CPHO guidelines, however we are seeing an increased number of absences not due to sickness or appointments. We encourage students to be present on a daily basis when possible.
There is plenty of research concerning the importance of attendance and the connection between regular attendance and success at school. If your son/daughter is struggling with attendance for any reason, please contact us to discuss the situation.
March Newsletter March 2021
Dear Parents
Report cards were sent home Tuesday, March 9th. We hope everyone enjoys their March break!
Dates to Remember
March 15th –March 19th – March Break– (NO CLASSES)
March 25th – PM – Westisle course selection meeting for students
March 26th – Purple Shirt Day (Epilepsy Awareness)
March 30th – 10:15 Practice Lockdown Exercise
April 2nd – Good Friday (NO CLASSES)
April 5th – Easter Monday (NO CLASSES)
Grade 9 Course Selection for Westisle
Grade 9 students will be registering for their high school courses after March break. Mrs. Morgan (Westisle Principal) will provide an overview of the process when she meets with students during the afternoon of March 25th.
Staff Appreciation Week
At this time we would like to express our gratitude for all the treats we received during Staff Appreciation Week. A special thank you to our Home & School Committee for organizing this.
Charity Committee
We raised $217.55 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation from our Valentines Basket Draw. Congratulations to all winners! Also, thanks to all students for supporting the St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser, we raised approx. $100. We will be having another fundraiser for Easter.
PD Day February 26th
Teachers spent the PD day virtually exploring and expanding their knowledge of the Google platform. In the afternoon, all teachers completed required Record Inventory Management (RIM) training provided by the province.
Badminton try-outs will begin after March break, dependent on CPHO announcement. Thank you to Mrs. Bulger for volunteering to coach.
Proper hand hygiene
Good hand hygiene is one of the most effective things students, staff, and visitors to the school can do to prevent any illness. Washing your hands often, or using an alcohol hand sanitizer when you can’t regularly wash your hands, is important. Practicing good respiratory cough and sneeze etiquette by either using a tissue (discard immediately) or using your sleeve in the bend of your elbow, and wash hands after is also effective preventative behavior. Avoiding close contact with sick people; and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, mouth or food unless you just washed or sanitized your hands are also good ideas.
Proper hand washing:
Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), apply soap.
Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap.
Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.